Starting A New .......


bright blue and orange 
 I bought a project! A project not too big but big enough. I moved in last Monday and when I did due to the amount of work needed I just didn't know where to start. 

Pick a room Linda and start there, so the kitchen became my pick.

lacks organization for pots and pans

First thing I had to do was make my cabinets function better. Pots stored in a cabinet as shown would be a mess. I don't like messes. I also like easy

don't you just love this blue?

The putting together and installing wasn't too hard for this 74 year old. I took my time and didn't make the 20 minute time frame that the instructions said it would take. I did it in 1 1/2 hrs hooray!

Could only find 2 pans to stage this photo but you get the idea. 
I bought 2 of these Rev a Shelf and will be installing the 2nd one tomorrow. Now all my pots and pans have a lovely place to live and I can find them easily when the mood strikes to cook. 


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